English 9th form

Дорогі мої девятикласники!
Ми продовжуємо працювати над темою " The UK today".
Останнє завдання, яке ви виконували, було різнорівневим:
  • Підготувати розповідь про Велику Британію ( я обов'язково послухаю)
  • Закінчити переклад тексту вправи 3 ст. 184 (письмово).(лексика)

Наступне завдання: опрацювати текст вправи 7 ст. 186 - 187 " England" та виконати до нього письмово вправу 8 ст. 187(A, B) (лексика)

    Граматична тема, над якою ми працюватимемо, це Tenses revision (повторення часів). І почнемо з минулих часів:
  • Past Simple (простий );
  • Past Continious (тривалий );
  • Past Perfect ( доконаний, минулий минуліший ).
Таблиця часів на головній сторінці блогу

Ваше завдання : вправа 2 ст. 192 (граматика)
                               вправа 3 ст. 193 (граматика)

Для повторення Future  ви виконаєте (онлайн) наступне завдання

https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future.htm (граматика)


 Працюємо над аудіюванням. Прослухайте наступні записи. Це аудіододатки до вправ: 
ст. 188;

3 ст. 189

4 ст. 190 - 191
( лексика)

31. 03

Опрацювати текст вправи 3(b) cт. 197, виконати тестове завдання (а) ст. 196. (лексика)


 Розглянемо детальніше міста Великої Британії. Почнемо зі столиці - Лондона. 
Підготувати переклад вправи 1 ст. 201 (лексика)


Дати письмово відповіді на запитання вправи 1(b) cт. 202          ( лексика + граматика)

07. 04

Продовжуємо працювати з Лондоном. Наступне завдання різнорівневе:

  •  Вправа 2 (а) ст. 203 - прочитати та перекласти подані висловлювання і з'єднати з людьми, яким вони належать     ( максимум 5 балів)

  •  Вправа 2(в) ст. 203 - на основі поданих висловлювань виконати творче завдання. Об'єм повідомлення 12 речень.


Виконавши попередні завдання ви опрацювали достатньо матеріалу, щоб розуміти, що таке Лондон.
Зараз ви себе перевірите. 

У вправі 4 ст. 204 ваше завдання сказати, які місця Лондона відвідали українські туристи та де вони ще не були опираючись на подану інформацію.

14. 04

Переглядаємо відео. Готуємось до тестування по Лондону.

15. 04

Прослухайте записи та виконайте вправи: 1 ст. 207 
                                                                                  2( с ) ст. 208


Доброго дня діти! Сьогодні проведем контроль аудіювання.Ви прослухаєте тексти до кожного з яких буде своє завдання. Аудіозаписи з текстами побачите нижче.


I.      Fill in the text with a suitable word: (доповнити текст вставляючи слова, які потрібно буде почути)

Ferruccio Lamborghini was always interested in engines, and he loved
(a) _______ any kind of vehicle. After World War II, he began to build tractors out of army surplus supplies. By 1960, his tractor (b) ______ was building close to 400 tractors a month, and he was a very wealthy man. Lamborghini loved owning and (c) ______ sports cars. According to one story, he was inspired to build his own sports car, because a Ferrari that he owned had a weak clutch. He opened a new (d) _______, and hired some successful engine (e) ______. His first sports car was the Lamborghini 350 GT, which came out in 1964.


II.               Decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F) (правильне чи не правильне твердження)

"Tunnel of Love in Klevan Ukraine"

1.    Tunnel of Lie – one of the most famous sights in Ukraine which always attracts romantics and honeymooners.  ___
2.    Railway of Tunnel of Love stretches for one km.  ___
3.    Branches of trees intertwined to make the walls and ceiling, colorful and neat having generated at Tunnel of Love.  ___
4.    Go to Tunnel of Love by a Romantic Plane which allows tourists and strangers to feel unbelievable experience.  ___
5.    Visit of Tunnel of Love remains a romantic mood, unusual emotions and someone will give hope for real Love.  ___
6.    Tunnel of Love is in town of Klevan, Rivne region, Ukraine.  ___



I. Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to answer the questions (1-5). (дати відповіді на запитання)

         Americans often express a great love of informality when using nicknames. These are shortened forms of their given name at birth and reflect the casual relationships which exist among friends and co-workers. Family names are hardly ever used in daily situations and the use of one’s father’s name is saved only for rare and formal occasions. In many traditional cultures the use of the family name is seen as a sign of respect. For Americans, however, it’s the nickname which creates an immediate intimacy between two people upon which to build a relationship.
         This love for nicknames can create a sense of closeness between people who are otherwise not related. Even the presidents of the United States have borne nicknames. Abraham Lincoln was known as ``Honest Abe``, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was simply called FDR, Eisenhower was referred to informally as Ike, President Ronald Reagan was affectionately called ``The Gripper``, and John F. Kennedy was known as Jack or JFK.
         Not every nickname, however, is a compliment and some can be downright rude and insulting. If someone should demonstrate a certain negative characteristic, a label will soon be attached to describe that person in a non-flattering way. Likewise a person’s dominant physical traits may lead to nicknames that are not necessarily to one’s liking or choice.

1.     Why do Americans use nicknames when addressing one another?
A.   Nicknames are easier to remember.
B.    Americans are formal people.
C.    Nicknames help to create a casual atmosphere.
D.   Nicknames are never to be used in daily life.

2.     When do Americans prefer to use their family names?
A. when they are working                                    C. while in formal situations
B. when writing a business letter                         D. when they are in trouble

3. Which American president was known as ``The Gripper``?
A. John F. Kennedy                                              C. Ronald Reagan
B. Richard Nixon                                                  D. Franklin Roosevelt

4. In a traditional society, how could the use of one’s family name be described?
A. rude               C. intimate
B. respectful       D. informal

5. Which of the following is true?
A. All nicknames have a positive meaning.
B. All nicknames have a negative meaning.
C. Nicknames are never endearing.
D. Nicknames can have positive or negative meanings.

II. Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false.

         Dolphins are very popular animals – they are considered to be intelligent and friendly and they seem to play and smile all the time. There are almost 40 species of dolphins and watching them in their natural environment is an unforgettable experience.
         However, the future of these marine mammals is in danger. Amongst the many threats to dolphins are environmental pollution, noise pollution, habitat destruction and industrial fishing: many dolphins die as bycatch in fishing nets or cannot find enough food due to overfishing.
         To protect dolphins from extinction, the United Nations declared 2007 the Year of the Dolphin. With this campaign, the United Nations wanted to make people aware of the many threats dolphins face.
         Patron of the Year of the Dolphin was Prince Albert II of Monaco. He said, ``The Year of the Dolphin gives me the opportunity to renew my firm commitment towards protecting marine biodiversity. With this strong initiative we can make a difference to save these fascinating marine mammals from the brink of extinction``.
1.     Dolphins are very clever and friendly animals.
2.     There are more than 40 species of dolphins.
3.     Dolphins have already become extinct.
4.     Environmental pollution, noise pollution, habitat destruction and industrial fishing threatens dolphins.
5.     Dolphins can get enough food in the sea.
6.     The United Nations declared 2007 the Year of the Dolphins.
7.     The aim of the campaign was to make people aware of the many threats dolphins faced.
8.     Patron of the Year of the Dolphin was Prince Charles.

    III. Read the text below. Complete the sentences (1-6) in your own words. ( доповнити речення)
         In the 21st century, our need for energy is greater than it has ever been. Fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas were formed of years ago, and when power station burn them to create electricity, they release harmful gases into the atmosphere. There may be enough coal to last for a few hundred years, but known oil and gas reserves will run out in less than 50 years – and then what will we do?
         Many scientists suggest turning to renewable energy, which means sources of energy that will never run out. It can be produced using the wind, the sun, waves or hot springs. The wind can turn large turbines to produce electricity, while energy from the sun can be collected in panels and stored in batteries. The movement of the sea can also be changed into electrical energy by using wave machines and, in parts of the world where there is volcanic activity, hot springs can produce geothermal energy. Unlike nuclear power, these are safe sources of energy that don’t pollute the environment.
         Our dependence on fossils fuels ha to end soon. Let’s hope that by the time all the reserves are gone, there will be enough alternative of efficient energy available. In the meantime, why don’t we try to reduce the amount of energy that we use?

1.     Burning fossils fuels releases ________________________________________________.
2.     Known oil and gas reserves will disappear in ___________________________________________.
3.     Renewable energy sources never ________________________________________________.
4.     The sun’s energy can ________________________________________________.
5.     Hot springs can _______________________________________________.
       6.We should try       __________________________________________

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