English 7th form

Дорогі мої семикласники!
Ми з вами закінчуємо роботу над темою "Entertain yourself". І підсумок ми підведемо розповіддю про улюблений фільм або фільм який ви нещодавно бачили. Нагадаю вам, про що саме потрібно сказати:
  1. The title of the film.
  2. The type of the film.
  3. The actors / main actors.
  4. The plot ( in some sentences).
  5. Use some adjectives ( який цей фільм)
  6.  Why do you like it?
Зверніть увагу на вправи 
  • 1 ст. 138;
  • 6 ст. 139;
  • 2 ст. 140;
  • 1 ст. 143;
  • 5 ст. 151.
 Обсяг письмового повідомлення -90 - 100 слів.


Розпочинаємо тему " Places of interest". Отже мова ітиме про цікаві місця світу 😀. Нам потрібна стартова лексика. Відкри-
ваємо підручники на сторінці 153, паралельно відкриваємо словники.
guide book - путівник
go sightseeing - оглядати визначні місця (сайтсін)
look round - озиратися
go on a tour - відправитися в тур
get lost - заблукати
typical [ˈtipikəl ] типовий

  •  вправу  2 ст. 154(записати вирази); (лексика)
  • вправу 3 ст. 154(доповнити та записати речення); (лексика)
  • вправу 4 ст. 154 ( записати що ви робите, коли відвідуєте нові місця : When I visit new town/ city I....) (лексика)
Не забуваємо про переклад

Виконати в РЗ вправи 1, 2 ст. 89 - 90

31.03 - 01.04

Прослухайте аудіозапис:


Це аудіододаток до вправи 1 ст. 155. 

  • Опрацюйте(перекладіть) тексти та виконайте вправу 2 ст. 157 ( лексика)
  •  Виконайте письмово в РЗ вправу 2 ст. 90 (лексика)

03. 04

Одне з найвідоміших місць Америки - Діснейленд. Опрацюйте(перекладіть) текст вправи 3 (b)  ст. 91 в ваших РЗ та виконайте завдання до тексту (я слухатиму ваше читання)


Працюємо над визначними місцями нашої столиці. 
Опрацювати(перекласти) текст вправи 3(b) ст. 158 у ваших підручниках та за прочитаним текстом доповнити речення вправи 5 ст. 161 ( лексика)


Добрий день діти! Продовжуємо працювати з Києвом. Закріплюємо лексику. 

  • Виконати письиово вправу 4 ст. 161. Не забуваємо про переклад.


Закріпимо наші знання про Київ. 
У ваших РЗ на сторінці 98 вправа 17.

 Спочатку з'єднаєте назви визначних місць Києва, тоді підберете опис до кожної з них і дасте відповіді на запитання.


Добрий день діти! Сьогодні проведем контроль аудіювання. Ви прослухаєте два  аудіозаписи з текстами. До першого ви виконаєте два завдання.


Text 1 "Cricket" 


Task I . Mark if the sentence is TRUE/FALSE

1  1.    Cricket is a traditional English game.
    2.You cannot find the difference between the amateur and professional cricket player.
    3.Amateur cricket player gets money for the game.
    4.Cricket player must not run fast.
    5.Cricket players must not allow the other players to be dishonest with him.
    6.  Cricket is rather dangerous game.

Task II. Сhoose the right variant

1.    Some games of cricket last … days.
a)    five      b) nine       c) eight days

2.    There are cricket clubs all over …
a)     the USA     b)  the British Empire      c) England

3.    … has a higher level.
a)    Cricket club    b) Amateur player     c) Professional player

4.    Cricket player should be ….
a)    dangerous      b) patient       c) bored

5.    Cricket players want the game to be….
a)    easy       b) patient       c) dangerous

6.    One player got well … after being hit on the head.
a)    in five month       b) in eight months      c) eight days

Text 2
“Healthy Henry”

Task ІІІ. Put "+" next to the true sentences and "-" next to the false ones.

1. Henry usually watches TV in the evening.
2. He doesn’t wash his hands.
3. On the first day of every month Henry goes to the cinema.
4. He eats salad and a raw egg with garlic and chilly pepper in the morning.
5. He goes to a yoga class on Monday.
6. Henry goes to work on foot.


Добрий день діти! Сьогодні проведем контроль читання.


Read the text
The Great Fire of London
London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of narrow, dirty streets. Indeed, the streets were so narrow that it was often possible for a person at a window on one side of the street to shake hands with a neighbour on the other side. There was little light and air. Rubbish lay piled up in dark corners. It is no wonder that epidemics were common.
The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in 1665.
It was a sad time for London. The streets were empty, shops were closed and there were few boats on the Thames. Every house in which there were sick people was shut up, and no one was allowed to go in or out, and the door of the house was marked with a red cross.
The following year the Great Fire took place. It broke out late on a Saturday night in a street not far from London Bridge. The summer had been dry, a hot east wind blew and the fire spread quickly. This is what we read in the diary of John Evelyn, who saw the terrible fire with his own eyes. The Thames was covered with boats full of people. On the other side one could see carts carrying out the saved goods out into the fields and people putting up tents. At night the fire could be seen ten miles away.
The fire burned for five days and destroyed the greater part of the city. But it did the city good, as it cleared away the old wooden houses and dirty, narrow streets.
A monument near London Bridge still marks the spot where the fire broke out. Sir Christopher Wren, the famous architect of that day, took part in rebuilding the city.

I.  Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false.
1.     London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of wide, dirty streets.
 True         False
2. There was little light and air.
   True         False

3.  Epidemics were common.

   True         False
4.  The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in 1655.
   True         False

5.  The streets were empty and the shops were closed.

   True         False

6. The Great Fire broke out late on a Sunday night in a street not far from London Bridge.

   True         False

7.  The summer was dry.

   True         False

8. John Evelyn described the terrible fire in his diary.

   True         False

9. At night the fire couldn’t be seen ten miles away.

   True         False

10. The fire burned for four days and destroyed the greater part of the city.

   True         False

II.  Choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

1. London of the middle of … was a city of narrow, dirty streets

a)  the 16th century 

b) the 17th century
c) the 18th century  

2.   The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in …

a) 1655 

b) 1665
c) 1765      

3. The door of the house was marked with …

a)   a black cross;  

b)  a black spot 
c)  a red cross

4.    … the Great Fire took place

a)   The following year

b) Two years later
c) Three years later

5. The Great Fire broke out late on a … night in a street not far from London Bridge.

a) Sunday

b) Saturday             
c) Thursday

6. On the other side one could see … carrying out the saved goods out into the fields.

a) people

b) horses
c) carts

7. At night the fire could be seen … miles away.

a) five

b) ten
c) twenty

8. The fire burned for … days and destroyed the greater part of the city.    

a) five

b) four
c) three

9. The fire cleared away the … houses and dirty, narrow streets.  

a) old brick

b) new wooden
c) old wooden

10. Sir Christopher Wren, the … of that day, took part in rebuilding the city.

a) famous architect

b) old architect      
c) famous builder

III. Choose the right answer.

1.  What did London look like in the middle of the 17th century?

1. London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of wide, dirty streets.

2. London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of narrow, dirty streets. 

3. London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of clean streets.

2. Why was no one allowed to go in or out in 1665?

1.The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out  in London in 1665

2.The greatest epidemic of the plague brake out  in London in 1665

3.It was the Great Fire  in 1655

3. When did the Great Fire take place?

1.The Great Fire taken place the following year.

2.The following year the Great Fire took place. 

3.The Great Fire taken place in 1665.

4.  Was the fire good for the city? Why?

1.Yes, it was good for the city because it clear away the old wooden houses and dirty, narrow streets. 

2.Yes, it was good for the city because it cleared away the old wooden houses and dirty, narrow streets. 

3.No, it wasn't good for the city because it clear away the old wooden houses and dirty, narrow streets. 

1.Insert   much  or  many.
1.      Do you drink ________coffee?
2.      I like reading. I read _________.
3.      We have _______ lessons  of  English  this year.
4.      I  like  this  new  teacher  very _______
5.      I can't remember _______ from  this  text.
6.      Do you learn _______ new  English  words every day?
7.      We haven't got ________ bread.
8.      There isn't________ salad  in  the fridge.
9.      She hasn't got ________ tickets.

2 . Complete with the question tag (підібрати "хвостик" до 

запитання :isn't it? hasn't we?)

       1.     These wax figures are like real,… ?
       2.    We went on guided tour last summer,…?
       3.    London isn’t the capital of the USA,…?
       4.    Mary has been to the ODEON,…? 
       5.    I don’t often go to the cinema, … ?
       6.    Mary and Christy haven’t visited the Downing Street yet,… ?

3. Complete the sentence with proper reflexive pronouns 

(підібрати правильний зворотний займенник: myself,

 himself, herself)

      1.    Can you pick up your toys … ?
      2.    Peter will go to Australia ….
      3.    The children washed their dog …..

4. Translate the sentences: 

1) Його колекція картин є найбагатшою у світі. –

2) Вони побачили статую Адмірала Нельсона. –

3) When we entered the hall the music was playing loudly.

4) There are many places to visit in Kyiv.



 Виберіть одну з тем та підготуйте

 повідомлення опираючись на запитання

1. Sports

Do you like sports? Why/why not?
How often do you exercise/play sports?
What sport/physical activity is popular in your country?
What is your opinion on professional sports?
What do you think the top five most watched sports are in the world?
What is the most dangerous sport?
What is the most expensive sport?
What is your favorite summer sport? What is your favorite winter sport?
What new sports would you like to try?
Do you think everybody should practice sports?
Do you think playing sports helps people work better as a team at work?
What do you do to keep fit?
What are some of the benefits of sports?

2. Healthy lifestyle

Do you think you have a healthy life style?
Is it possible to have a healthy life style in modern world?
Why do many people try to have a healthy life style?What is the main purpose of it?
What is healthy food?
Do you pay much attention to what you eat?
Do you think it is more important for you to eat healthy or tasty food?
Do you try to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time every day?
How many hours of sleep do you need daily?
If you don't sleep enough, how do you feel and look?
Do you try to go to bed and get up at certain hours every day? What is good about it?
Do you often find yourself under stress?
How do you usually cope with stress?
Is there any connection between the person's style of life and the duration of his life?

3. The UK

What is the difference between Great Britain, England and the United Kingdom?
How do you think British people would describe their country?
What do you know about British food and weather?
What would you like to do and see in the UK on a three-week holiday?
Do you think Britain has too much political power in the world?
Would you like to live in Great Britain?

4. Movies

What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
What is your favourite movie? Why?
How are the movies in your country? What are the best ones?
How often do you watch movies in English?
If there were a movie about your life, what kind of movie would it be? Why?
Which do you prefer, comedy movies or horror movies?
If someone were to make a movie about your life, what would you
want included? Include AT LEAST three points !

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